Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Lots of things to be thankful for

Pasadena Star News
By: Cynthia Kurtz
Posted: 12/04/2013

Thanksgiving is over, Black Friday is history, Small Business Saturday a thing of the past, and Cyber Monday visible only in the rearview mirror. You may wonder how all these commercial mileposts got connected to our national day of thanks. It seems we did it on purpose.

American presidents Washington, Adams, and Madison proclaimed national days of thanks. Finally, in 1863 President Lincoln established the last day in November to be an annual National Thanksgiving Day. 

However, it was President Franklin Roosevelt who made the first connection with the economy. He changed Thanksgiving to the fourth Thursday in November. He said it would help the economy. 

Regardless of how and when it started the day after Thanksgiving is the kickoff of the Christmas season and, therefore, the kickoff of the shopping season. That doesn't make everyone happy.

We need to adjust our thinking. Americans have so much for which to be thankful that one day isn't sufficient. Therefore, I suggest we proclaim Thanksgiving as the kickoff to a season for being thankful. So, even though Thanksgiving is officially over, I am going to share some of my season of Thanksgiving list. I am thankful because:
The unemployment rate in California is 1.4 percent lower this year than last year.

There are over 1,300 new businesses in the San Gabriel Valley.

SGV business added over 6,000 jobs last year.

The Foothill Gold Line Light-rail is to Azusa will be completed in 2015.

Alameda Corridor East will receive almost $120 million of Prop 1B funding in 2014 to grade-separate two busy rail crossings.

Our members support the SGV Economic Partnership because they believe in what we do.

I don't have to sit in West LA traffic every day. 

I can enjoy excellent international cuisine from any country in the world without leaving the SGV.

I work for a Board of Directors who are my bosses but more importantly, my friends.

The Partnership staff is smart and dedicated.

My cat stopped using the living room chair as a scratching post... I think.

My husband makes a great martini.

I live in California.

And last but certainly not least - I am thankful for my readers. I hope my columns provide useful information, interesting perspectives, and even make you laugh from time to time. 

And remember you can shop and still be thankful at the same time.

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