Tuesday, December 24, 2013

4 year end 'must-dos' for business

Pasadena Star News
By: Cynthia Kurtz
Posted: 12/24/2013

Tick-tock, tick-tock - just one more week to the New Year. You may be thinking you can slow down, say a quick thanks for having made it through another year and just set the cruise control until January 2. Not so fast. There are some important end of the year tasks that you’ll be glad you completed when 2014 rolls around. 

Business author Bill McBean lists “Eight End-of-Year Must-Dos” on mfrtech.com. I think eight might be a lot for just one week. So I am going to give you my takes on four “must-dos” from McBean’s list that are doable right now and will start the New Year on the right foot. 

Thank your customers. No business succeeds without loyal satisfied customers. You know who the people are who make your business profitable. A call or a letter lets them know that you don’t take them for granted. It is a good way to show that you appreciate their business and that you look forward to serving them next year. A competitor’s offers won’t look as desirable if your customers have a strong relationship with you. 

Don’t forget your most important asset - your employees. Employees are a critical, perhaps the critical, reason why a business makes a profit and they deserve to be recognized and appreciated. 
Hopefully you have passed on customer compliments and said thank you for work well done throughout the year. But we all get busy and you probably didn’t get around to it as often as you should. The end of the year is a great time for a handshake and word of thanks.  

Meet with your accountant, attorney and other advisors. These meetings aren’t for you to tell them what you need them to do in 2014. These meetings are for you to ask their advice and listen to their ideas. They see your business from very different perspectives than the daily operating world in which you live. They can help you understand the changing market, what processes are working well and how to avoid repeating past mistakes.

Set next year’s goals. With your customers’ needs, your employees’ abilities, and your advisers’ ideas clearly in mind, it is time to set goals that will provide the focus and direction for the next twelve months. I am not talking about making New Year’s resolutions that you forget by February 1. This is the time to reevaluate your business plan and make the changes that will propel you into the future. 

Aim high. Know where you are headed and what steps you need to get there. Success isn’t the result of being lucky. It comes from good leadership and good planning. After you have finished you can slow down, say a quick thanks for having taken the steps you need to start the year out on a good course and cruise control into 2014.

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