By: Cynthia Kurtz
Posted 8/21/2013
There has been news lately about a legal challenge to Los Angeles County’s adopted supervisorial redistricting plan. That challenge reminded me about a speech I gave more than 14 years ago - long before I worked at the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership. Since the notion of county governance is being discussed, I’ll float my idea again - still relevant after all these years. Here’s the abbreviated version of my speech:
There has been news lately about a legal challenge to Los Angeles County’s adopted supervisorial redistricting plan. That challenge reminded me about a speech I gave more than 14 years ago - long before I worked at the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership. Since the notion of county governance is being discussed, I’ll float my idea again - still relevant after all these years. Here’s the abbreviated version of my speech:
“I recommend we establish “San Gabriel County.” Let me say that this is in no
way a complaint about our current elected representation which I think is good.
It is, however, about a more effective governance structure and what the San Gabriel Valley
could do as a distinct county.
First, we could focus on our
problem and our solutions. Does anyone believe we have the same problems as the
Westside, Downtown, or the South
Second, we would receive a
fairer share of funding. Between 1983 and 1999 the San Gabriel Valley
contributed an estimated $400 million more to the region in transportation
taxes then it received in transportation projects.
Third, it would bring us
together as a region.
With apologies to David
Letterman, here are the top 10 reasons why we need to create the new “San Gabriel County.”
Reason #10 - Los Angeles County
is too big to be governed effectively: 10 million residents versus 2 million in
the SGV. I am not claiming that smaller counties are inherently better governed
but I do claim that smaller counties have a better chance of being better
Reason #9 - We invented the Los Angeles region at the
San Gabriel Mission. After 200 years, it is time for an overhaul.
Reason #8 - Five Supervisors
closer to home.
Reason #7 - It will help grow
and tap the leadership potential of our Asian American and Latino communities.
Reason #6 - We can use our tax dollars more
effectively and we won’t be exporting them to downtown Los Angeles.
Reason #5 - We won’t have to
fight with the MTA anymore.
Reason #4 – Foothill Transit,
the Gold Line and ACE.
Reason #3 - The LA Times won’t
realize we have left anyway.
Reason # 2 - In our heart of
hearts we really want to do it.
And the #1 reason for creating
the San Gabriel County - It’s a win-win. Creating
the San Gabriel County
will be just as good for the rest of Los
Angeles County
as it is for us. It will create a more responsive and effective county
government for Los Angeles County residents.
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